Birth Story II

Morning mommies and mommies to be.

My beautiful birth story goes like this. At 40 weeks day pregnant.

29/07/2022 at around 02:30am. I felt warm and wet down there thought It was just pee. Went to the bathroom checked only to find it wasn’t, I wasn’t too sure if my water broke since it wasn’t too much. I changed my underwear just to be sure and went back to bed. Woke up again at around 3:30am only to find that I was still leaking I changed my underwear again and stayed in bed trying to make sense of what is happening, at 5am I decided to let my sir Jenny know of what is happening and she said it might happen that my water broke and coming out in small amounts, yet I didn’t have any contractions.

She said I should monitor the water and let her know if i start having any pains, but if nothing changes by 12pm I should come in.

12pm came and still nothing was happening only the water kept on leaking. So I went to sir Jenny. She checked me only to find that I was 4cm dilated and yes my water had broken but I didn’t have any pains. She did sweap and strip and then the contractions started at about 13:00pm. She repeated again at about 13:45pm they became stronger and stronger at 14:47 I delivered my bouncy baby girl. I was not even sure if I was in labor!!!

This was my third baby and she came in total different way. It’s true ladies every birth is different and unique and you can never know how baby will come. Sir Jenny and sir Divada had my hand all the way through they are such a blessing 🙌 🙏 ❤ God bless them , their work and their beautiful hearts 😍 💕