Birth Story VI

I’m so happy to be sharing my birthing story

On 26/06/21 my water broke at around 7am
We called Sr Davida and she advised I come in for an examination, she checked that my water did indeed break and that I was 4cm dilated. I was sent home and got into a warm bath and took 2 panados.

At around 12:30 the pain was severe and I called Sr Jenni and Sr Davida and they Said I should come back in. After an intense labour our beautiful baby girl was born at 14:45.

Thank you to both Sr Davida and Sr Jenni, your calmness and care made the entire process so much easier. Thank you for sharing all the booklets before hand it helped mentally prepare me for labour. You guys are superstars and I’m eternally greatful that my husband and I got to share this beautiful journey with you ❤