Birth Story VII

My birth story of my baby boy Joshua.

I could always count on Jennie’s help when I was concerned over the phone , 00:00 on the 4th July I was in a lot of pain and I contacted Jennie making a booking for 1 am . We arrived there and we got told baby Joshua is coming and was booked in. Even though I was in so much pain and scared of all complications during labor sister Jennie and sister Davide calmed my mind. I had asked if my babies head is a least out so they all told me yes baby Joshua’s head is out and made some jokes . The worry I had as a mother was that the cord was wrapped around his neck , by the delivery of Jennie and Davida my boy is strong and healthy, 3.15 . At 05:07 am 4th July our beautiful baby boy had arrived by the help of two beautiful , peaceful Ladies.💕