Birth Story X

14 years ago, I went through a traumatic birth that not only ended in an emergency c-section that took months to recover from but also left me unable to breastfeed my baby. I never thought I would have another child but 14 years later we found out we were pregnant again. I knew this was a second chance for me to have a natural birth but every doctor I went to told me that my only option was c-section again. Almost giving up and accepting this fate by chance I got a referral to Sister Jenny a blessed angel that didn’t hesitate in assuring me that I was 100% built for natural birth my heart was filled with happiness. She even put me in touch with another v-bac patient who gave me wonderful words of encouragement. Not only did Jenny fully support my choice for natural birth but also encouraged me to keep up with all my sports even though so many discouraged me.

After everyone telling me I was crazy, I did the 5-day Otter Trail hike at the start of my second trimester with Jenny’s approval I got to share this beautiful experience with my unborn child. By the end of my pregnancy things were not progressing fast enough for me but Jenny would always give me positive words of encouragement stay patient she would say baby will come when she’s good and ready…

We were a week over our due date we came in for our appointment with Jenny and with her magic fingers did a cervix sweep gave me and my hubby some exercises to do at home and sent us on our way, she continued to check on me throughout the day like she somehow knew😉 and by 18:30 We were in labour she advised me to take 2 Panados and a warm bath and call her when the contractions were close. By 22:00 we arrived at Jenny I was already out of it she helped me get comfortable and helped my very worried confused husband to settle so he could help me Snr Davida arrived a short while later both these angels made sure that mommy and daddy were always comfortable and had everything we needed.

I came to the last stretch and suddenly I just couldn’t anymore I was ready to give up moaning terribly Jenny sternly told me to keep calm and take control I had this I was built for it she then let me feel my babies head I was that close it was all I needed I closed my eyes and with a few more ridiculous moans, some choice words & hard pushes I heard my baby it was the most overwhelmingly beautiful  thing I have ever experienced.

No words could be thanks enough for what they did for my family any woman would be truly blessed to have these angels by their side.

I am a proud V-BAC mommy, and I would do it again in a heartbeat with Jenny by my side. 🌸