Birth Story IV

Thank you so much for all the well wishes.

Shelemiah is our 3rd baby that Jenni helped with. 🙂 Know for sure that you are in good hands. 😉
Here is my story:

I was in labor for exactly 53 min. 😅 From the first contraction till when baby arrived. I almost delivered her in the toilet! 😂 Can you imagine.

The contractions for me is intense period pains. But one thing I learned is that you have to really breathe through each one and try to relax all your muscles. If you tense up (because of the pain) it becomes more painful and takes longer. Anyways.

During the start of the contractions I had diarrhea. So I went to sit on the toilet and that was literally the most comfortable position for me. As soon as I got up the pain got worse. So I just sat down again. I also did put a warm bottel at my lower back which helped tremendously. There I just waited it out until it would be time to drive to Jenni. My husband even poured me a whole bath of warm water, while he got everything in the bakkie. Later the contractions then stopped and I felt my body started pushing. I thought that somewhere my brain just sent the wrong message, because it would be too early. 😳 Then the next moment I realized that she was definitely going to make her appearance that moment. Luckily my husband was in the bathroom when my body started pushing again. At this point I stood up. At first I did not push with my body, but then I realized that I’ll have to push as to help her get out. Then only one hard push and she was sliding out. My water also only broke when she came out. My husband was calm and collected and a real champion. We then phoned Sister Jenni and went to her house. When I got out of our bakkie, the plasenta dropped out of me. Sister Jenni helped us into the house to cut the cord and to check me and baby. Thankfully everything went smooth and we are both ok. 🙂

Just know. You CAN do this. And trust your body, it knows what to do. We are so fearfully and wonderfully made. 🌸🌸