Birth Story V

It took my fourth baby to be able to have my dream healing birth. This was my third VBAC birth but my first home birth. There is no comparison. There is honestly no birth like a home birth. I was nervous as I always had a gynie who used instruments to assist baby out and I had two episiotomies. I was concerned whether I had it in me to have my dream of not having to be cut or to have instruments. But I did the research and Jenni assured me it was possible. Ladies a home birth with no unnecessary medical interventions, informed consent, calm and peace, no threat of covid or any hospital stresses. Wow what a positive experience, I’m still soaking it all up. To have no pressure about EDD, to actually be encouraged that your baby comes when your baby is ready. And to tell no one so you have no one on your back. And I was ready to walk 42 weeks. Wow, I believe this truly allowed me to completely relax. I believe this made my baby boy so excited he couldn’t wait and came a little early. At my 38 week check up on the Tuesday, after sharing I suspected I had started with some Braxton and hicks for a week. I discovered I was 3cm dilated which I know doesn’t mean anything too exciting yet. And I then had no more Braxton and hicks until the following next Saturday evening. They were mild and few in between. And stopped when I woke up. The Sunday night they started a little stronger and by Monday they were really building up to stronger rushes of waves. But they stopped again early evening. Only for them to start again early hours of the Tuesday morning. I was convinced it was baby time. Luckily I had my weekly check up booked and I got to see Jenni. The rushes were getting more intense but as I got to Jenni they almost completely subsided again. And I was only 4cms dilated. 1cm more than I was the week before. So we went home to walk, bounce on my ball, nipple stimulation and see if labor progressed. And progressed they did. It was so awesome to walk them out naked at home dancing to my worship music praying with my three little girls. The contractions were getting very intense and close but never longer than 30secs and they would be anything from 1 and a half-8mins apart. They still were a bit all over and not quiet regular. At some point my husband saw a change in me and asked my mom in-law to come be with the kids. And when my eldest asked me “mommy do we have doctor stuff?” I realised it’s time to go back to the birthing center to Sr Jenni. And just in time, I think it was just 30 mins after arriving and our little man was in my arms. I arrived and was fully dilated this time. I always wanted to experience my water breaking spontaneously and so it did all over Sr Jenni’s poor floor. In moments of stripping off my clothes as I walked in the house, making a mess, acting like a mess, at my rawest and most vulnerable. Sr Jenni was there with utter calmness to reassure and comfort me. She truly becomes your mother. The last stretch was hard for me, in my moment of thinking I can’t Sr Jenni reminded me so beautifully and gently that I could. She makes you feel safe and secure. To feel like you can trust someone with your life is a peace like non other. And in that you have the strength to push your baby earth side.
While lying there you after you have given birth you get served the most delicious meal and beverages. In hospital I only got food hours after giving birth. No one came to check on me. I walked myself to my own room.

Thank You Sr Jenni for assisting me in birthing an even stronger me. And to the dearest Sr Davida who radiates love and care. The second mother to your stay at the birthing center. To be loved on and cared for the way she does, is priceless.

These women don’t get enough credit. And my birth story barely gives justice to all.

I prayed so hard for this pregnancy and birth, long before falling pregnant. And although it took me long to finally find Oh Baby, I couldn’t be more grateful for Father finally placing me in your care❤❤❤ I feel so loved and cherished. Thanks Sr Jenni and Sr Davida❤❤❤from the bottom of my heart❤❤❤