Birth Story XI

When I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks, sister Jenni was one of the first people I told. Asking her to come along with me on this journey wasn’t even as second thought.

My whole pregnancy went well. She supported me through every step was always there for me when I needed advice or just a little reassuring.

When it got closer to the end, and I just wanted it over she encouraged me to be patient and that it would be worth the wait.

The day my water broke she guided me every step of the way, and from the moment we arrived at her birth unit, she was 100% focused on me and my progress. Doing everything I needed to keep my labour progressing steadily. The amount of affirmations, encouraging words, love and support we experienced was beyond measure.

Throughout my entire birthing experience, I felt in control, sister Jenni did her best to give me my water birth experience even though I decided against it at the last minute. I have never had a birthing experience like this, and I am glad that I was able to get everything I wanted with sister Jenni with my last pregnancy. Also thank you to sister Davida for all your support and for taking such beautiful pictures that I would treasure always.

Oh, and the food was amazing! Thank you. I would recommend sister Jenni to anyone!!!

Birth Story X

14 years ago, I went through a traumatic birth that not only ended in an emergency c-section that took months to recover from but also left me unable to breastfeed my baby. I never thought I would have another child but 14 years later we found out we were pregnant again. I knew this was a second chance for me to have a natural birth but every doctor I went to told me that my only option was c-section again. Almost giving up and accepting this fate by chance I got a referral to Sister Jenny a blessed angel that didn’t hesitate in assuring me that I was 100% built for natural birth my heart was filled with happiness. She even put me in touch with another v-bac patient who gave me wonderful words of encouragement. Not only did Jenny fully support my choice for natural birth but also encouraged me to keep up with all my sports even though so many discouraged me.

After everyone telling me I was crazy, I did the 5-day Otter Trail hike at the start of my second trimester with Jenny’s approval I got to share this beautiful experience with my unborn child. By the end of my pregnancy things were not progressing fast enough for me but Jenny would always give me positive words of encouragement stay patient she would say baby will come when she’s good and ready…

We were a week over our due date we came in for our appointment with Jenny and with her magic fingers did a cervix sweep gave me and my hubby some exercises to do at home and sent us on our way, she continued to check on me throughout the day like she somehow knew😉 and by 18:30 We were in labour she advised me to take 2 Panados and a warm bath and call her when the contractions were close. By 22:00 we arrived at Jenny I was already out of it she helped me get comfortable and helped my very worried confused husband to settle so he could help me Snr Davida arrived a short while later both these angels made sure that mommy and daddy were always comfortable and had everything we needed.

I came to the last stretch and suddenly I just couldn’t anymore I was ready to give up moaning terribly Jenny sternly told me to keep calm and take control I had this I was built for it she then let me feel my babies head I was that close it was all I needed I closed my eyes and with a few more ridiculous moans, some choice words & hard pushes I heard my baby it was the most overwhelmingly beautiful  thing I have ever experienced.

No words could be thanks enough for what they did for my family any woman would be truly blessed to have these angels by their side.

I am a proud V-BAC mommy, and I would do it again in a heartbeat with Jenny by my side. 🌸

Birth Story IX

I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude toward Jenni & Davida.

Once found out I was going to become a mom I was terrified. Besides the responsibility and reality of becoming a mommy…I was really petrified of giving birth. For me, natural birth was the obvious choice, even though I did have an epidural in mind.

After doing our research at hospitals & getting quotes, we weren’t quite comfortable with private hospitals…. besides birth being extremely expensive natural or c-section, not every mommy has a great experience – be it from bad service, nurses or Doctors not paying attention, and list the goes on…. I wasn’t comfortable with a state hospital for similar reasons mentioned above.

I started looking at midwives as I’ve heard mostly only positive feedback and came across Jenni. I wasn’t sure at first if this would be a suitable fit …but once I had my first appointment with Jenni I felt comfortable and at peace. I could see Jenni was a pro at her job and also so gentle and informative from the get go.

We immediately knew this is it!

Jenni has been such a blessing and gave me SO MUCH peace of mind during my pregnancy. Always responding, providing GREAT material to help first-time mommies understand better what they are getting themselves into and how to approach it, from pregnancy, pre-labor, labor to birth, and beyond.

My birth experience with Jenni & Davida was better than I could ever imagine. Thanks to their experience, kindness, and Jenni’s magic fingers😉 I was in labor for about 2 hours and my baby was here, also no tear! My previous gyni warned me that I would not be able to give natural birth due to my baby’s size…well…that was obviously not the case and shows you how medical professionals will say things just so that they can make more money and its so obvious that Jenni & Davida has a passion for their job and considers their patients every need and well being.

I really truly had the BEST birth experience I could ever imagine and am so thankful for people like Jenni & Davida, they truly handle their patients with so much love and care.

It’s now three days after I’ve given birth and I feel GREAT! Yes, I’m stiff and sore but I didn’t expect to feel this good so quickly after birth!

They are truly remarkable and I would HIGHLY recommend them to every other soon-to-be mommy as I know she will be in the best hands!

Jenni & Davida, THANK YOU for changing my perception about birth, and THANK YOU for being so good to me , my partner and my baby the entire time! I truly feel honored to have been in such great care and for the amazing birth. This is a story I can’t wait to share with everyone!! And truly a birth I would never want to forget. It really has been magical. Thank you once again, it has been an amazing experience for me and my partner – one we will never ever forget!

Birth Story VIII

I would just like to take a moment and share my New Year’s baby delivery experience 01/01/2023 at 01h25am and what great experience it was for me as a first-time mom🥰

As always was Sister Jenni ready to help and answered when I was unsure, she told me around 10:30pm on New Year’s Eve I could come for a check up to make sure I arrived, and I was already 5 cm dilated. First she helped me so nicely and my husband to get comfortable to wait for the contractions to start at about midnight New Years the contractions came very strong Sister Davida got the bath ready for me in the bath everything happened so quickly just with the help of my husband pouring water over my stomach and back I changed regularly position in the bath and within about 1 hour I was almost completely dilated Sister Jenni and Sister Divida got ready for the baby to come and by 13h25  my beautiful baby boy was born at 40 weeks and 3 days the birthing process was the best with the help and support of the two sisters making sure everything happens when it should. And all the wonderful pictures that was taken for me and my husband to always look back at the perfect moment and the privacy and time together we got was amazing I would refer anybody if you want to have that special bonding private natural birth and have all the time you want with your new family member Oh baby Birth is the best  support you get from the sisters and not to mention the lovely food and dessert you get afterwards this was a  wonderful first time experience. Thank you to both Sisters✨💕

Birth Story VII

My birth story of my baby boy Joshua.

I could always count on Jennie’s help when I was concerned over the phone , 00:00 on the 4th July I was in a lot of pain and I contacted Jennie making a booking for 1 am . We arrived there and we got told baby Joshua is coming and was booked in. Even though I was in so much pain and scared of all complications during labor sister Jennie and sister Davide calmed my mind. I had asked if my babies head is a least out so they all told me yes baby Joshua’s head is out and made some jokes . The worry I had as a mother was that the cord was wrapped around his neck , by the delivery of Jennie and Davida my boy is strong and healthy, 3.15 . At 05:07 am 4th July our beautiful baby boy had arrived by the help of two beautiful , peaceful Ladies.💕

Birth Story VI

I’m so happy to be sharing my birthing story

On 26/06/21 my water broke at around 7am
We called Sr Davida and she advised I come in for an examination, she checked that my water did indeed break and that I was 4cm dilated. I was sent home and got into a warm bath and took 2 panados.

At around 12:30 the pain was severe and I called Sr Jenni and Sr Davida and they Said I should come back in. After an intense labour our beautiful baby girl was born at 14:45.

Thank you to both Sr Davida and Sr Jenni, your calmness and care made the entire process so much easier. Thank you for sharing all the booklets before hand it helped mentally prepare me for labour. You guys are superstars and I’m eternally greatful that my husband and I got to share this beautiful journey with you ❤